Calendar of Events

Tang Center events are free and open to the public, but advance registration is recommended for some events, where noted. Reservations will be accepted in the order they are received. Register for events here.
Artwork by:  Unknown artist . Artwork title: Mural in Wang Chuzhi's Tomb, Hebei province
Tang Center Lecture Series
April 25, 2024
Wu Hung
University of Chicago
Rethinking Landscape Painting
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Organized by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Cosponsored by the Department of Art and Archaeology and the Princeton University Art Museum
Artwork by:  Unknown . Artwork title: Yang Guifei Teaching a Parrot to Chant the Heart Sutra
Tang Center Lecture Series
April 23, 2024
Wu Hung
University of Chicago
Rethinking Figure Painting
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Organized by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Cosponsored by the Department of Art and Archaeology and the Princeton University Art Museum
Detail of Zhao Gan, Early Snow on the River
Tang Center Lecture Series
April 19, 2024
Wu Hung
University of Chicago
Rethinking Historical Evidence and Methodology
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Organized by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Cosponsored by the Department of Art and Archaeology and the Princeton University Art Museum
Detail of two girls in the painting Brawler
February 22, 2024
Liu Xiaodong
Sarah Lee Elson, Class of 1984, International Artist-in-Residence Talk: Liu Xiaodong  
5 30 pm
Robertson Hall 016
Organized by the Princeton University Art Museum
Cosponsored by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Artwork by:  Sun Hu, Zhou Kun, and Ding Guanpeng . Artwork title: “Molding the [vessel] body and grinding the pigment,” the 10th album leaf, from Taoye tushuo 陶冶圖說 (Illustrated Manual of Ceramic Production),
February 14, 2024
Kai Jun Chen
Brown University
Technocracy and Porcelain Manufacture at  the Early to Mid-Qing Court (1720s–1750s)
4 30 pm
202 Jones Hall
Organized by the East Asian Studies Program
Cosponsored by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Detail of MiKyoung Lee, Reflected Memory 2
December 7, 2023
MiKyoung Lee
Artist Conversation: MiKyoung Lee
11 Hulfish Street
Organized by the Princeton University Art Museum
Cosponsored by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Artwork by:  Peng Wei. Artwork title: Autumn of Tang Dynasty
November 30, 2023
Peng Wei
Artist Conversation: Peng Wei
5 30 pm
11 Hulfish Street
Organized by the Princeton University Art Museum and cosponsored by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Detail of MiKyoung Lee, Dream 12
November 9, 2023
Eleanor Hyun
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Threading Histories: Locating the Past in Contemporary Korean Art
5 30 pm
Louis A. Simpson International Building
Organized by the Princeton University Art Museum
Cosponsored by the Tang Center for East Asian Art
September 13, 2023
Rachel Silberstein
Independent scholar
Coming into Color: The Cloth Classic, Jiangnan Dyeworks, and the Expansion of Cotton Dyes in Qing China
4 30 pm
219 Burr Hall
Sponsored by the Tang Center for East Asian Art, the East Asian Studies Program, and the Department of Art and Archaeology
Artwork by:   . Artwork title: Shōfukuji Monastery in Hakata (modern Fukuoka), Japan
April 27, 2023
Hsueh-man Shen
The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Maritime Buddhist Art of the East Asian “Mediterranean,” ca. 900–1200
4 30 pm
East Pyne Building 010
Sponsored by the Department of Art & Archaeology and the Tang Center for East Asian Art
 Gu yan ta cun
November 16, 2022
Thomas Kelly
Harvard University
The Matter of Inscription in Early Modern China
4 30 pm
202 Jones Hall
Cosponsored by the East Asian Studies Program
 Mogao Cave 217, north wall
November 15, 2022
Anne N. Feng
Boston University
Water Transformation: Buddhist Meditation and Pure Land Art in Tang China
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Bamboo basket
Tang Center Lecture Series
November 9, 2022
Christine Guth
Head, Asian Specialism, Royal College of Art / Victoria and Albert Museum History of Design Program (emerita)
From Meibutsu to National Treasures
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Cosponsored by the Princeton University Art Museum
Artwork by:   . Artwork title: Spouted Wajima lacquer ware
Tang Center Lecture Series
November 7, 2022
Christine Guth
Head, Asian Specialism, Royal College of Art / Victoria and Albert Museum History of Design Program (emerita)
Marketing Meibutsu
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Cosponsored by the Princeton University Art Museum
Eggplant shaped tea caddy named Tsukumo
Tang Center Lecture Series
November 2, 2022
Christine Guth
Head, Asian Specialism, Royal College of Art / Victoria and Albert Museum History of Design Program (emerita)
Of Meibutsu and Masterpieces
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Cosponsored by the Princeton University Art Museum
View of the Mogao Cliff in 1943–44
April 22–23, 2022
Connecting Dunhuang

Sites, Art, and Ideas along the Silk Road(s)

Mogao Cave 17
April 22, 2022
Valerie Hansen
Yale University
Cave 17 at Dunhuang, or Stein’s Library Cave: Reconstructing Silk Road Society
4 30 pm
McCosh 50
Cosponsored by the Princeton University Art Museum, the Department of Art and Archaeology, the East Asian Studies Program, and the Buddhist Studies Workshop
Artwork by: Kitagawa Utamaro . Artwork title: Untitled (Kitchen Scene)
October 28, 2021
Chelsea Foxwell
University of Chicago
Artful (Re)working: Pictures of Labor in Eighteenth-Century Japan
4 30 pm
Cosponsored by the Department of Art and Archaeology and the Tang Center for East Asian Art
Mogao Cave 158. Reclining Buddha, Parinirvāṇa scene. West wall.
Panel Discussion
May 26, 2021
Visualizing Dunhuang Book Launch
Album leaf by Shen Zhou
April 14, 2021
Lihong Liu
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Shen Zhou's (1427–1509) Paintings from Life
4 30 pm
Cosponsored by the East Asian Studies Program and the Tang Center for East Asian Art